My name, Hokulani, was dreamt by a kupuna (elder) in my ohana (family) and given to me at birth in the ancient Hawaiian tradition. Hokulani means 'Heavenly Star.'
If you're of Hawaiian descent, your Inoa (or name) is your most prized possession. Traditionally, we Hawaiians believed that an ancestral god would mystically send a name to a member of the unborn child's family through signs, visions, and dreams. We believed the name would be a type of prophecy of the child's essence and future. This belief is still held true today, so you could say that I'm fulfilling my divine calling as an interpreter of the stars, and that makes sense because I have always been drawn to them.

Nurturing, care-giving, and counseling others has always been a huge part of my calling. It wasn’t until I found Astrology, that it also became my profession.
Friends began calling me by the nickname “Mama” from as early as my freshman year of high school and once I started studying my own natal chart, I understood why and how this is my signature way of being. I know exactly where it comes from and more importantly, the purpose of my compassion. I’m here to motivate, nurture, reflect and help inspire awareness, love, curiosity, and a deeper understanding of our individual and collective human experience. I’m proud of my “Mama” status.